Impact College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Bangalore

As you enter the world of professional education, I am sure there is great expectation and apprehension about the future. You are confronted with many life-touching questions. The decisions you make today are so formative that they shape a substantial part of your whole life ahead.


As you enter the world of professional education, I am sure there is great expectation and apprehension about the future. You are confronted with many life-touching questions. The decisions you make today are so formative that they shape a substantial part of your whole life ahead.

We at Impact college of Engineering and Applied Sciences recognize this and have prepared a program with great care and diligence to address your concerns. A well conceived engineering program with conscientious and capable faculty is offered to you. Our track record in engineering education spans more than thirty five years, beginning with Impact Polytechnic,which was established in 1983. Today, we offer 5 disciplines in engineering at the bachelor’s level and 9 disciplines in the diploma level and are engaged in creating human capital that addresses needs of the engineering fraternity for India and the world. Welcome to an exciting Bachelors program in Engineering!


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